þriðjudagur, 23. júlí 2002

Tilraunadýr greiningar: Íslendingar

Ég fékk þetta skemmtilega email um daginn frá Elísabetu vinkonu og ég ákvað að birta það hér. Þetta er listi sem finnsk stelpa og vinir hennar gerðu eftir ársdvöl hér á landi. Þetta eru skemmtileg skot á Íslendinga og eins og höfundur bréfsins segir sjálf þá munu Íslendingar skemmta sér manna mest yfir þessu bréfi. Okkur tókst greinilega ekki að blekkja þessa Finna því þeir sjá alveg í gegnum okkur.


1) you've stopped checking out the weather forecasts and get dressed according to the latest issue of Vogue instead.
2) you see a person walking outside with an umbrella and you immediately think to yourself: "TOURIST!!"
3) your summersandals have become every-weather-shoes.
4) 42 C in a hot pot is cold but 16 C in July is freaking hot!
5) it comes natural to you to eat cured shark, pickled ram parts, dried fish and another delicatesses at least once a year.
6) you have skyr on every meal.
7) you start calling the president Óli Gris (=pig)
8) ...although you still think of Vigdis Finnbogadóttir as the REAL president.
9) you start explaining to your foreign friends about the wonders of Iceland in the way of a THULE commercial ... ekkert mál fyrir Jón Pál ... we won the B world championships in football ... so you're a sheep on a footballfield ...
10) you've seen Björk in Vesturbæjarlaug.
11) after graduation you'll get hired for life at Háskóli Íslands.
12) you are a florist but you'll get hired as the nuclearpower expert at Keflavík airbase. Or vice versa (as long as somebody does the job!)
13) you don't notice anything strange about the smell of hot water.
14) you can decline the nouns correctly.
15) you can decline the adjectives correctly.
16) you can conjucate the verbs correctly.
17) you start a sentence always with SKO or HÉRNA.
18) 500 kr (5,75 ?) for a beer is relatively good price.
19) you know your Nokia cellphone better than your Finnish friends.
20) you don't consider owning a car until you own a jeep.
21) you are nationwide well-known folksong/rap artist....bleeeeessuuuuuð / bleeeeessaðuuuuur!!!